Course guide of Marketing Communications (23511M3)

Curso 2024/2025
Approval date: 25/06/2024

Grado (bachelor's degree)

Bachelor'S Degree in Business Administration and Management


Social and Legal Sciences


Estrategias de Marketing


Comunicación Comercial

Year of study




ECTS Credits


Course type

Elective course

Teaching staff


  • Francisco Javier Delgado Muñoz. Grupo: B
  • Lucía Porcu . Grupo: A


  • Francisco Javier Delgado Muñoz Grupos: 3 y 4
  • Lucía Porcu Grupos: 1 y 2

Timetable for tutorials

Francisco Javier Delgado Muñoz

  • Tuesday de 17:30 a 19:30 (B305)
  • Wednesday de 19:30 a 20:30 (B305)

Lucía Porcu

  • First semester
    • Monday de 09:30 a 12:30 (A203)
    • Tuesday de 09:30 a 12:30 (A203)
  • Second semester
    • Monday de 09:30 a 10:30 (A 203)
    • Tuesday de 09:30 a 13:30 (A 203)
    • Thursday de 09:30 a 10:30 (A 203)

Prerequisites of recommendations

Students are recommended to show a medium-advanced level of English equivalent to B2, and not less than B1 (according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages).

Brief description of content (According to official validation report)

  • Integrated marketing communication
  • Advertising agencies and advertising regulation
  • The media
  • The advertising planning process
  • Sales promotion
  • Public relations
  • Direct marketing
  • Sales force

General and specific competences

General competences

  • CG02. Ability to analyse and search for information from a variety of sources applicable to the field of study.
  • CG05. Ability to work in stressful environments.
  • CG06. Ability to analyse and summarise.
  • CG07. Ability to make decisions.
  • CG09. Ability to organise and plan.
  • CG11. Creativity and intuition to choose appropriate measures for different contexts
  • CG14. Ability to convey information, ideas and solutions to problems raised.
  • CG16. Sensitivity towards environmental and social issues

Specific competences

  • CE20. Know and perform the functions that make up the administration process: planning, direction, organization and control
  • CE25. Manage the commercial variables that allow the desired objectives to be achieved, dominate commercial research techniques, understand consumer behavior, and know sectoral marketing
  • CE27. Know and evaluate the market and the integrated environment within the marketing information system.

Transversal competences

  • CT03. Be able to plan and control the overall management or the various divisions of a company.

Objectives (Expressed as expected learning outcomes)

The main purpose of the following program is to provide the student with a much deeper and specialized vision of one of the main tasks of marketing: integrated marketing communications. In this regard, it will be conveyed the meaning and purpose of the company's marketing communication policy as an instrument within the marketing strategy, and the latter within the company. This approach will be taken both from a theoretical and practical point of view. To this end, the student will be given the widest possible vision of the various tools and techniques available to the company to communicate with its different audiences, with the aim of highlighting both the difficulties and complexities, as well as the richness and breadth of the communication possibilities that can be developed.

This generic objective can be detailed by identifying the following more specific goals:

  • Understanding the role that communication plays within corporate management and marketing management.
  • Analyzing the added value that the Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) represents for the management of the relationships.
  • Understanding the marketing communications process and knowing the different communication tools that companies can use, and acknowledging the need to coordinate and integrate them properly to achieve synergy as a beneficial effect.
  • Knowing the logical and adequate decision sequence in the company's communication planning process.
  • Knowing the stages of advertising planning, as well as the different agents that can intervene in the advertising market.
  • Acknowledging the current limitations in the advertising framework in terms of legal regulations and self-regulation.
  • Knowing the nature of sales promotion as a communication element and its different typologies.
  • Showing the wide range of promotional techniques, their possibility of application to the different publics of the company and the objectives that can be reached with each one of them.
  • Identifying the different target audiences of the company and how the company communicate with them through different sponsorship and public relations techniques.
  • Being familiar with the different techniques of direct marketing, highlighting the importance the different existing databases have.
  • Acknowledging the characteristics of online and social media communication, considering their different typologies.

Detailed syllabus


Unit 1: Integrated marketing communications

  • Communication in companies and organizations
  • The role of communication in the relationship with the market
  • Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC). Concept, characteristics, beneficial effects and difficulties in its implementation.
  • The Integrated Marketing Communications planning process

Unit 2: Advertising management

  • Advertising as a communication instrument: concept and classification
  • The Advertising planning process
  • Online and offline communication media
  • The formulation of the advertising message
  • Advertising distribution
  • Assessing the advertising effectiveness
  • The legal framework of advertising

Unit 3: Advertising agencies

  • Functions and structure of full services advertising agencies
  • Classification of advertising agencies
  • Rewarding advertising agencies
  • Selection of an advertising agency
  • Current landscape of advertising agencies in Spain

Unit 4: Sales promotions

  • Sales promotions in the communication-mix: concept and characteristics
  • Objectives of sales promotions
  • The sales promotions strategy
  • Sales promotions tactics: sales promotions types

Unit 5: Public relations and sponsorship

  • Characteristics and concept of public relations
  • Motivation for its current development
  • Public relations techniques
  • The sponsorship
    • Conceptualization of sponsorship
    • Sponsorship types
    • Objectives of sponsorship
    • Assessment of sponsorship

Unit 6: Direct and interactive marketing

  • Direct marketing in the current context
  • Databases in direct marketing
  • Conventional media for direct marketing

Unit 7: Digital and social media marketing

  • Marketing communications in the Internet
  • The role of social media in marketing communications
  • Advertising planning with Social Networks
  • Mobile marketing


Communication plan (group case study):

  • Object or purpose and scope of the plan. (executive report).
  • Analysis of the market situation: commercial research of the sector, market and product.
  • Differential elements and positioning.
  • Segmentation, determination and quantification of the target public.
  • Communication objectives (qualitative and quantitative).
  • Budget to execute the communication plan.
  • Creative strategy (psychological axis, motivational elements and basic advertisement), and planning of media and diffusion strategy.
  • Strategy and tactics to be used with each of the communication tools to achieve the objectives.
  • achieve the objectives.
  • Temporal planning of the plan: seasonality and temporality (communication optics).
  • Determination of the control mechanisms for the correct fulfilment of the objectives set in the plan.
  • Conclusions.

Practical and orientative workshops based on the theoretical contents studied.


Basic reading list

  • BELCH, G.E. & BELCH, M.A. (2021). Advertising and Promotion: An integrated Marketing Communications Perspective, 12th Edition, McGraw Hill.
  • CLOW, K. & BAACK, C. (2018). Integrated Advertising, Promotion, and Marketing Communications, 8th edition,Pearson.
  • ANDREWS, C.& SHIMP, T.A. (2018). Advertising, Promotion and other aspects of Integrated Marketing Communications. Cengage Learning.

Complementary reading


Teaching methods

  • MD01. Docencia presencial en el aula 
  • MD02. Estudio individualizado del alumno, búsqueda, consulta y tratamiento de información, resolución de problemas y casos prácticos, y realización de trabajos y exposiciones. 
  • MD03. Tutorías individuales y/o colectivas y evaluación  

Assessment methods (Instruments, criteria and percentages)

Ordinary assessment session

The teaching methodology applied will consist approximately of:

  • 30% of classroom teaching (45 hours).
  • 60% of individual student study, search, consultation and processing of information, problem solving and practical information, solving problems and practical cases, and carrying out work and presentations (90h.). presentations (90 hours).
  • 10% for individual and/or group tutorials and evaluation (15h).

In order to assess the acquisition of the contents and competences to be developed in the subject, a diversified evaluation system will be used, selecting the most appropriate evaluation techniques for the subject at any given time, which will allow to show the different knowledge and skills acquired by the students during the course. Among the following assessment techniques, one or more of the following will be used:

  • Written test: essay exams, objective tests, problem-solving, case studies or assumptions, and/or assumptions, and/or short answer tests (test and true/false).
  • Oral test: presentations of oral work in class, individually or in groups, on the contents of the contents of the subject (seminar) and on the execution of practical tasks corresponding to specific competences. corresponding to specific competences.
  • Observation: observation scales, in which the student's behaviour in the execution of tasks or activities is recorded. in the execution of tasks or activities corresponding to the competences. competences.
  • Techniques based on student attendance and participation in class, seminars and tutorials: work in small groups. tutorials: work in small groups on proposed practical cases.

The grading system will be expressed in terms of a numerical score in accordance with the provisions of the Article 5 of Royal Decree 1125/2003, of September 5, which establishes the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) and the grading system for Spanish valid and official university degrees.

The overall grading will correspond to the weighted score of the different aspects and activities that make up the assessment system, according to the following:

  • Exam (60%)
  • Remaining evaluation criteria (40%).

Assessment system

Since the course is classroom-based, it is compulsory to attend classes and to accomplish and present the projects/tasks during the course. The assessment of the work performed by the student during the teaching period (40% of the total qualification) will be maintained for all ordinary and extraordinary exam calls. In general, the practical evaluation of the subject will be carried out following a regime of continuous assessment. It will be supported by the work developed by the student throughout the course. It will be requested the delivery of practical cases proposed by the teacher, as well as the oral presentation of certain reports or exercises, and final presentation of a report.

However, the student can request the evaluation format explained in point 8 of the "NCG71/2: Regulations for the evaluation and qualification of students at the University of Granada" approved at the extraordinary session of the Governing Council on May 20, 2013 and modified at the Governing Council on May 24, 2017. Students who take the final single evaluation referred to in Article 8 of the rules for evaluation and qualification of students of the University of Granada (approved by the Governing Council on November 9, 2016), must apply within the first two weeks of the course, or within two weeks of registration if it has taken place after the start of the course. The student will request it, through the electronic procedure, to the Department director, alleging and accrediting the reasons that assist him/her for not being able to follow the continuous evaluation system. The Department Director to whom the request was addressed, after contacting the teachers who are in charge of the course, will make a decision within ten working days. After this period has elapsed without the student having received an explicit written response, the request will be considered as granted.

In both evaluation formats, it will be necessary for the student to obtain at least 1/3 in each part in order to be eligible to pass the course. This criterion will be maintained for all the ordinary and extraordinary exam calls.

The students who meet the criteria for the final single evaluation will be assessed on their theoretical knowledge, as for the students who have opted for the ‘continuous evaluation’. In addition, they will also take a practical test to evaluate the practical part of the course. This practical test will be weighted in the final grade to the same extent as the tasks/projects performed by the students who choose the system of continuous assessment.

In addition, and following the specifications set out in point 22 of the "NCG71/2: Regulations for the evaluation and grading of students at the University of Granada" approved in the extraordinary session of the Governing Council on May 20th, 2013 and modified in the Governing Council on May 24th, 2017, in the case of subjects whose Teaching Guides include a final exam that accounts for 50% or more of the total weighting of the final grade of the subject and the student decides not to take it, in the transcript of records it will be noted with "Not submitted". When the student has carried out activities and tests included in the continuous evaluation process included in the teaching guide of the course that constitute more than 50% of the total weighting of the final grade of the subject, it will appear in the transcript of records with the corresponding grade.

Extraordinary assessment session

The evaluation of the theoretical and practical component in extraordinary examinations of the subject will be carried out in the following manner:

  • All the students taking the extraordinary exam must perform the evaluation of the theoretical knowledge. To pass the subject, the student must obtain at least 1/3 of the grade corresponding to the theoretical exam (2 points out of 6) in the exam that evaluates the theoretical content.
  • Those students, who, in an extraordinary call, wish to be evaluated again from the practical component, must take also the practical part of the exam. This exam will make up to 4 points out of 10. Thus, they automatically withdraw the grade obtained for the practical component obtained during the continuous evaluation.

The sum of the grades of the theoretical and practical component will be the final grade of the student, provided that the minimum raised in the theoretical exam of the extraordinary call is achieved. If the student has not obtained the required minimum of 2 points in the theoretical exam, the grade that will be recorded in the minutes will be the one achieved in the theoretical exam.

Single final assessment

Students who apply for the final single evaluation referred to in Article 8 of the Regulations for the Evaluation and Qualification of Students of the University of Granada (approved by the Governing Council on November 9, 2016), must apply within the first two weeks of the course being taught, or within two weeks of enrolling if enrolling after the course has begun. The student will request it, via Sede Electrónica, to the Department Director alleging and accrediting the reasons for not being able to follow the continuous assessment system. However, for exceptional and justified reasons (work reasons, state of health, disability, mobility programs, representation or any other similar circumstance), the final single evaluation may be requested after the above-mentioned deadlines, under the same administrative procedure.

The Department Director to which the request was addressed, after contacting the teachers who are in charge of the subject, will make a decision on the request within ten working days. After this period has elapsed without the student having received an express written response, the request shall be deemed to have been granted.

Description of the evaluation tests:

The final single evaluation will consist of an examination of both theoretical and practical contents related to the contents of the subject in both ordinary and extraordinary examinations. In this case, the weight of the grades of the theoretical and practical component of the subject will be respectively 3/5 (6 points out of 10) and 2/5 (4 points out of 10) of the final grade. As for the tests that will be part of the practical component, they may consist of the resolution of exercises, practical cases, and/or any other type of test that is considered necessary to accredit that the student has acquired all of the competencies described in the present Teaching Guide for the subject. The student's final grade will be the sum of the grade obtained in the theoretical component of the exam and the practical component, provided that the student has passed at least 1/3 of the grade corresponding to the exam for each of the parts (theory or practice).

Additional information

The student must be very aware that in any work submitted by the student it is totally forbidden to make a literal copy ("copy and paste") or a literal translation of content taken from Internet information sources, or from any other type of source. A literal copy of content and/or without proper citation will result in the cancellation of all continuous assessment and a failure of the course. It is highly recommended that students consult other sources in order to compare data, go deeper into concepts, discover new ideas, etc. In the event that a commentary on these consultations is required, the student will have to indicate the sources used in the form of a bibliographical reference at the bottom of the page following some style of citation (for example, the APA citation style), bearing in mind that a personal commentary on the ideas extracted is always required.

The system of qualifications will be expressed by means of a numerical qualification in accordance with the provisions of article 5 of Royal Decree 1125/2003, of 5 September, which establishes the European system of credits and the system of qualifications for official university qualifications valid in Spain.

Everything related to evaluation will be governed by the Regulations for the evaluation and qualification of students in force at the University of Granada.

The lecturers will make the general communications to the group that they consider appropriate through the PRADO platform of the University of Granada (, so it is recommended that the student consults this platform regularly.

INCLUSION and DIVERSITY. In the case of students with disabilities or other specific educational support needs, the tutorial system will be adapted to these needs, in accordance with the recommendations of the area with competences in inclusion of the University of Granada, proceeding departments and centres to establish appropriate measures for tutorials to be held in accessible places. Likewise, at the request of the teaching staff, support may be requested from the competent unit of the UGR in the case of special methodological adaptations.

Información de interés para estudiantado con discapacidad y/o Necesidades Específicas de Apoyo Educativo (NEAE): Gestión de servicios y apoyos (